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The Governing Body

Every school has a governing body to represent the public in the running of schools.

School governors work with the staff and the Local Education Authority to help secure the best possible education for the children in the school. They have important responsibilities like managing the school budget, overseeing the curriculum and appointing staff.

What do school governors do?

School governors are a team of people who work closely with the head teacher to make key decisions vital to the successful running of the school. The governing body meet regularly throughout the year and make decisions that directly affect the education and well-being of the children. They play an important role in improving standards throughout the school and agree the school's budget, policies and procedures.

The Governing Body

Chair of Governors - Melanie Harvey

C/o Joseph Cash Primary School

Owenford Road



Cycle of Meetings and Meeting Dates 

Full Governing Body Meeting

This meeting takes place termly, all Governors are expected to attend. 

Dianne Brooks, LA Governor Clark, attend meeting and records minutes.

Helen Nelson, headteacher, will present her formal Governor report where key information is shared with Governing Body. 

Progress, Standards and Resources

This meeting takes place termly. 

A variety of leaders, staff members will attend this meeting over the year to present on areas like dto the school development plan. 

Governors have opportunity to explore resources and ask questions. 

Open Morning/ Afternoons

These sessions take place once a term. Governors are given the opportunity to come into school and complete a learning walk popping into lessons, talk to pupils and staff. 

Sessions are always linked to areas of the curriculum that presentations were about in the Progress, Standards and Resources meetings. An opportunity to see in action what was discussed! 

Finance Meetings 

The Chair of the Governing Body will meet with the School Business Manager and Finance Officer and feedback updates during the Progress, Standards and Resources meetings. 

2024/2025 Meeting Dates 

Pay Committee

Melanie Harvey (Chair)

Dave Simpson (Vice Chair) 

Selina Reid (Parent Governor)

Appeals Committee

Melanie Harvey (Chair)

Dave Simpson (Vice Chair)

Chris Jupp (Co-Opted Governor)

Link Governors 

LA Link Governor - Dave Simpson

Safeguarding - Melanie Harvey 

SEND - Melanie Harvey 

Pupil Premium - Chris Jupp  (James Hoare - shadow) 

Sports Premium - Chris Jupp

OPAL - Dave Simpson

Governor Details and Register of Interests

Awaiting updated Register of Interests 24/25

members josephcashprimary 1 .pdf


 Governor Responsibilities

Governor Visit Form 

 Governor Attendance   




2020/2021 Attendace 

COVID - Virtual meetings 

2019/2020 Attendance 

2018/2019 Attendance

2017/2018 Attendance 

Other key documents